How puerh tea cakes are pressed

I’ve posted photos before showing the process of pressing puerh tea, but I thought why not post some more! I took these photos a couple of weeks ago while in a factory in Menghai arranging the pressing of our 2014 puerh teas.

This is the cleanest and most professional factory we’ve come across. We’ve used them for many of our pressings over the past few years. The pressing has always been perfect. Moreover the people are really nice – there’s a real family atmosphere around the factory. The workers are conscientious and happy. Everyone is trying to make the tea as good as it can be.

We also took some video of the process in this factory, but we’ll have to wait until I’m back at a faster computer before I can edit it properly. Hopefully we’ll be able to share the video in the next few months.

Cakes resting after steaming and pressing

  • Weighing Puerh Tea
  • Weighing and steaming puerh maocha
  • Forming steamed maocha into disk shape
  • Forming steamed maocha into disk shape
  • Forming steamed puerh maocha into disk shape
  • Forming steamed maocha into disk shape
  • Stone presses
  • Stone pressing puerh tea cake
  • Pressing puerh tea cake
  • Removing puerh cake after pressing
  • Stone pressed puerh tea cakes
  • Carrying pressed cakes to drying racks
  • Puerh Tea cakes drying in shade
  • Wrapping Puerh tea cake
  • Wrapping bamboo tong on stack of puerh tea cakes
  • Wrapping bamboo tong on stack of puerh tea cakes
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