Master Zhou in Leach Pottery St. Ives
We had a great time with Master Zhou and Master Lim during their recent visit. They stayed in the UK for 2 weeks, first in London for a week, then retreating to the seaside for a week in Cornwall. Since Master Zhou’s visa for the UK wasn’t approved until a couple of days before he was due to arrive, we hadn’t been able to arrange a demonstration in Cornwall, but with some last minute planning the Leach Pottery in St. Ives offered us some space and were eager to see Master Zhou at work.
Our plans to video the events in London in decent quality fell through, but fortunately someone turned up with a camera and tripod to record the demonstration in the Leach Pottery. Apologies for the quality and strange camera angle, but I thought it was worth posting online for those who are interested. Master Lim’s commentary also makes for a very educational experience. I hope you enjoy it.